Explore the bizarre world under the Poles! Journey with renown researcher Tim Swartz as he attempts to unravel Admiral Richard E Byrd's mysterious journey to find a secret subterranean world! Here is evidence that the great adventurer actually ventured beyond the poles into a rich land inhabited by a race of superbeings as well as possibly refugee scientists and SS members of Hitler's dreaded Nazi regime.
Examine many contraversial ideas, including:
- How the world was formed.
- The existence of the mythological lands of Hyperborea and Ultima Thule.
- The development of the Flying Saucer.
- The mysterious lands and people of the Far North.
- Operation Highjump - Antarctic Attack!
- Did Hitler Escape to Antarctica?
- Britain's Secret War at the Poles.
- Did an Inner World race give the German's UFO technology?
The concept of a hollow earth has been with us for a long time. Most so-called serious researchers would like to sweep the theory under the run. The truth is as an alternative book publisher I have discovered that there are more people prone to accept that UFOs originate from inside our own planet than from some far off world in space....This book makes thrilling reading.
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